Magical Item - Staff of Thunder

This quarterstaff is carved with countless sigils of clouds and thunderbolts and when used in combat, it hums and cracks, flicking bits of moisture in all directions.

It is said to have been carved from a tree that grew from the grave of Jupiter Omus, a great druid who was said to have left his body behind when he ascended to godhood on a storm cloud 10 centuries ago. According to legend, this the least powerful of many staffs and cudgels cut from that tree.

This staff was among the items traded to Thron Greenman and his companions in return for the Ring of the Pretender by Kelendek the Sharp.

This is a quarterstaff +1, but an attuned druid or warlock can access its other powers. Upon a successful strike, you may expend a charge causing a great peal of thunder that can be heard at least 300 feet away, and the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn. If you expend three charges, any hearing creatures within five feet of the target (except you) must also make the save or also be stunned.

The staff has 5 charges and each dawn it regains 1d4-1 charges (regaining 0 charges is possible). If all of its charges are ever used up, it must be planted in the ground at the highest point within three miles and allowed to stand there at least an hour during a thunderstorm and then requires re-attunement.

See also: Magical Items, Kelendek the Sharp, Thron Greenman

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